City Blood's 2012 Haunt Awards are here. We award the best of the best in haunting entertainment. Has your favorite haunt won in the 2012 Haunt Awards. You'll just have to check out the awards to find out. Click here to read the Haunt Awards or Click here to listen to the audio version of the Haunt Awards.
Help St.Rita's Haunted House!
St. Rita's Haunted House in Cincinnati, OH is one of the oldest haunted houses in the country. Its actors are all volunteers and the profits made from the haunted house go towards St. Rita School for the Deaf. On Sunday, October 21st the ticket booth was broken into and $1,600 was stolen.
St. Rita's Haunted House is one of the first haunted houses I can remember going to back when I was a little kid and my old high school is behind St. Rita's. Hearing about the burglary just breaks my heart.
If you would like to donate any money it would truly be appreciated and would help a great cause.
Click here to donate!
Check out the links below.
St. Rita's Haunted House Robbed!
St. Rita's Haunted House was robbed last Sunday. The thieves were able to take $1,600 from the ticket booth. All profits made from the annual haunted house go towards St. Rita's School. Make sure to show them your support by purchasing a ticket for one of the oldest haunts in the nation.
Bloody Mary Makes Spooky Ranch Appearance!
International FX Make-up Queen, Bloody Mary, Coming to Cleveland’s Best Haunted Houses
Cleveland, Ohio
World renowned Make-up Artist, Bobbie Weiner, aka Bloody Mary, comes to Cleveland, Ohio Friday, October 12, 2012 and Saturday, October 13, 2012. Bobbie will be making an appearance at Spooky Ranch, Friday, October 12, 2012 at 7pm and Saturday, October 13, 2012 at Hauntville at 7pm. Bobbie will be giving make-up demos, signing autographs, giving away her comic books, “The Tales of Bloody Mary.” She is also available for press interviews or possible make-up demos for local television.
Please visit for more information.
Ghostly Manor Car Giveaway!
Scream Acres Ct Teams Up With Scallywag Tag
Scream Acres Ct has teamed up with Scallywag Tag to bring you HAUNTED LASER TAG
the last three weekends in October! Experience all the thrills of our Haunted House alongside the fun of laser tag!
Please check our website at for all the details.
Scallywag Tag has 2 locations, Western Hills and Eastgate. Our event will be at the Western Hills location only. I know we have fans from all over the area, so please support me Hearties at Scallywag Tag for this opportunity to help us out, by liking both of their pages. Matey's yo ho ho let the fun begin!!! And what a great day to announce this - It is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Shiver me timbers!
Sandyland Acres Featured in The News Again!
For the second time this year, Sandyland Acres Haunted Hayride is featured in the news. Check out this behind the scenes look at the haunted farm of Sandyland Acres. For more information on Sandyland Acres Haunted Hayride, please visit
USS Nightmare Featured on Channel 9 News!
The USS Nightmare in Newport, Kentucky was featured on Channel 9 News last week. The story talks about the USS Nightmare looking for workers at their job fair and one talks about how he was hired. For more information on USS Nightmare, please visit
Charles in Charge Dent Schoolhouse Trailer!
Screamer Event is Coming This October!
The movie Screamer-The Art of Terror is about the behind the scenes of the haunt industry. Its Louisville debut will be at the Sheraton Riverside Hotel on Saturday, October 13th at 7:00 pm. The 7th Street Haunt, The Devils Attic and The Iron Kingdom will be guests at this anticipated event. Make sure to get your tickets by visiting
Hauntville's Newest Haunt!
Hauntville in Elyria, Ohio has a brand new attraction called Wicked Clowns in 4-D. This Haunted House uses new interactive technology combining eye-popping 3-D visual effects. The use of 3D glasses combined with physical and special effects that are all synchronized together. The effect creates an intense, thrilling and exciting New way to get scared!
For more information, please visit
Making Monsters Filming at USS Nightmare!
The Final segment of Travel Channel's Making monsters will be filming aboard the USS Nightmare Riverfest weekend... Be the first to see the custom props and special effects designed especially for the USS Nightmare 2012 season... Open Sunday September 2, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM....
For more information, please visit
The Haunted Hotel Has Been Sold!
From Kevin Stich, new owner of The Haunted Hotel:
As most of you all know, I have been involved in the Haunted Attraction Industry for the past 3 years as co owner with my brother Brian to Wolf Creek Haunted Forest. After the end of the 2011 season we found out the land we were using was not going to be available for the 2012 season. This brought an end to Wolf Creek but since then, we have been on the hunt to continue haunting for the 2012 season. As we closed one door, another huge door has opened!!! I am proud to announce we will become to new owners of the Nationally Recognized and Famous Haunted Hotel!!!!!! This is such a huge opportunity and a blessing at the same time. I want to thank Todd Ewing Moore and Terry Campbell for this opportunity and having the faith in me to continue the legacy which is The Haunted Hotel. We have a lot of work ahead of us and I can't wait!!!!!
Please visit for more information on The Haunted Hotel.
Factory of Terror Friday the 13th Event!
Factory of Terror in Canton, Ohio will be open Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th from 7:00 pm until 12:00 am. Free Wristbands good for 25% off admission on select dates in October will be given out to a limited number of customers. Tickets are $16 a person. Please visit for more information on the haunt.
Forsaken Glow Stick Event!
Get ready! Friday, July 13th, FORSAKEN Haunted House will be opening its doors for a special GLOW STICK EVENT! What does that mean? Try walking through the fully operational haunt with no light to illuminate your path but a tiny glow stick. There will be cast members to "help" you through, it's full contact, and it's happening ONE NIGHT ONLY! Friday, July 13th, 2012! Tickets to the Forsaken Haunted House Glow Stick event are available to purchase online for only $16, or for $20 you can purchase them at the door. Tickets are sold by the hour and only a select number of people will be let in per hour - so get your tickets early! Make the wait in line quicker by visiting Print out the waiver, get all the signatures required and bring it with you!
The Haunted Hydro's Centurion Guild
Become a charter member of The Haunted Hydro's Centurion Guild. Membership is limited to 101 people and includes.
1. One invitation to a special night of fun and fright on Saturday, October 6 for our debut of the annual Centurion Guild Membership Reception “Ghostly Gala” featuring a “Behind the scenes tour, finger foods, spirits and exclusive entertainment
2. 1 collectable “Centurion guild” Long Sleeve T-Shirt listing all members on the back of the shirt - $20.00 value
3. 2 – Complimentary VIP Monster Bash Tickets - $70.00 value or 4 – Combo Tickets
4. Specially designed membership card
5. Registry in our online newsletter listing special events, appearances, contests, discounts and more!
6. Part of the fee proceeds will be used for necessary building restoration & maintenance.
7. Plus a charitable donation of $5.00 of every membership will be given each year to a worthy community minded organization or event.
For more information, please visit
Sandyland Acres Job Fair
"Sandyland Acres Haunted Hayride and Farmers Revenge will be holding their Job Fair/Actor Meeting on Sunday, August 5th at 4:00 PM. We will be looking for energetic people for acting, loading wagons, taking tickets, etc . Must be 18 or older to apply !"
For more information on Sandyland Acres, please visit
Fear Camp is Coming Soon!

Baxter Avenue Morgue Auditions
Saturday, August 11, 2012
2:00pm until 8:00pm
Come and audition to be part of the cast at The Historic Baxter Avenue Morgue Haunted House! We Have 75 Paid and volunteer cast positions ( Not all 75 are for paid cast.) for the 2012 cast! Come and take your shot at being a part of last year's chosen "Best Haunted House In Kentucky" from Ohio Valley Haunts!!! We've also been featured on A&E's My Ghost Story and soon to be featured on SYFY Channel's Fact or Faked!
We will be looking for Paid Cast, Volunteer Cast, Make-up Artists, Security, Sales, ECT......Its not all about scaring since there are many parts we are looking for.
Please don't forget to visit for more information on this incredible haunt.
Haunted Ohio Has Been Sold!

For nearly 10 years Haunted Ohio (aka Scary Ohio) has been owned and operated by Barry Schieferstein of the Midwest Haunters Convention in Columbus, OH. But recently new owners have aquired the popular Ohio Haunt Directory. The owners of the Fear Experience and the owners of The Factory of Terror and Forsaken Haunted House have purchased the website. For 2012, the website will stay practically the same, but 2013 Haunted Ohio will most likely only promote The Fear Experience, The Factory of Terror and Forsaken Haunted House. Only time will tell how Haunted Ohio changes and what direction it goes in.
You can Visit Haunted Ohio at
MHC Will Be Here Soon!

MHC 2012 will soon be here to unleash it's hell upon Columbus, OH. The fun and fright starts with the Wednesday and Thursday Pre-Convention Haunt Tours. Then this Friday, there will be a paranormal tour, a haunt tour, Scary-oke and more. Saturday will be exciting with the opening of the tradeshow floor. You'll also be able to check out seminars, workshops, Monster-Makeup Wars and more. Saturday will end with the one and only Masquerade Party featuring a Body Art Fashion Show, Miss Scary Midwest, Scariest Character Contest, music and everything you've come to expect from the party of the year. So, if you don't have a costume then just come to enjoy the fun. Sunday will close out the show with vendors, classes and everything a haunter loves. This year's MHC is shaping up to be the biggest yet with over 100 vendors, haunt tours, education, parties and much much more. Please don't forget to register for everything at www.midwesthauntersconvention.
Dent Releases New Video!
The new video from the Monstars of The Dent Schoolhouse has been released upon an unsuspecting audience. They cover the song Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jespen and it's pretty damn entertaining.
The Farm Film Has Been Released!
The long awaited movie "The Farm" is now available to purchase. The movie was shot at The Haunted Farm in Pleasantville, OH and is sure to put chills down your spine.
"Not all that goes bump in the night should be found"
The Farm is a paranormal story of horror, based upon true events. You may feel you have seen it all before. The difference is it happened! Detail has been added to enhance the drama and to capture the terror of one horrible and deadly week!
As in all 'based upon true events' films, dramatic license plays a hand to show the emotional terror of a nightmare that was all too real! Will the newly married couple survive this horrific week beyond their understanding, or will they succumb to the secrets of The Farm?
If this sounds like a movie that might interest you then don't forget to purchase a copy of The Farm at
LOI Band Competition
This year, Land of Illusion in Middletown, OH is putting together a Battle of the Bands like no other, and they're calling it Dr. Psychos Psych-O-Logical Showdown. Land of Illusion wants the best local bands, so get your favorite band to register on the Land of Illusion website starting May 1st. From that point, bands will have the entire month of May to register. The contest begins on June 1st, where they'll post the names of each band, and the four bands with the most Likes from June 1st to August 1st will be awarded the opportunity to perform for thousands in LOI’s biggest opening weekend spectacular yet! They'll be posting the link for bands to register starting May 1st, so make sure to have your favorite local band sign up.
For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit
Fright Manor Presents Lights Out!
Fright Manor is going to open up for the 'lights out' tour. You will walk through their haunt with just a glow stick and actors will jump out and scare you. Where else will you find this entertainment this time of year? If you love this kind of stuff, Fright Manor needs your support to keep it going. Fright Manor is located at 2909 S. Meridian St in Indy. Fright Manor will open on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th from 8 - 11 pm. And, it's only $10(cash only). Please tell all your friends and neighbors as they need customers. It will be fun and you can change your wet clothes in their restroom.
Please visit for more information.
Derby Massacre at the Morgue
The Baxter Avenue Morgue in Louisville, Kentucky will be having a special event on Friday May 4th from 8pm to midnight. For only $7 you can experience the one and only Baxter Avenue Morgue if you're brave enough. For more information on Baxter Avenue Morgue, please visit
Fright Manor Celebrates Scream Break!
Fright Manor will be scaring customers for their big "Scream Break" event Friday, March 2nd and Saturday March 3rd from 8-11 pm. If you have the nerve to experience pure fright, then head on down to Fright Manor. They are located at 2909 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46225.
For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit
Help PsychoMania Rebuild!
Tuesday, February 28th PsychoMania, Theater of Terror caught on fire. They tried to contain the fire by putting water on the roof, but by the afternoon the middle of the building was still burning. There's over 25,000 worth of damage in props alone. The haunt will be rebuilt, but most likely at a new location. If you would like to donate anything to help these kind people rebuild their passion, then click on the link below and give. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who worked at Psychomania and made it a great haunt.
Haunted House Wall Collapse
The upper middle portion of Hustonville Haunted House has collapsed. Water that had seeped in between the exterior and interior walls over the years may have caused the collapse. The metal roof has no guttering and does not extend past the edge of the building, allowing rain to enter the gap between the two walls, he said. The freezing and thawing of the moisture in the walls likely caused expansion and contraction that finally caused part of the structure to crumble, the police chief suspected. The wall is expected to be fully repaired in time for the 2012 haunt season.
For more information, please visit
Haunted Schoolhouse Rated One of the Most Influential Haunts!
The Haunted Schoolhouse in Akron, OH has made Hauntworld Magazine's list of the 20 Most Influential Haunted Attractions. The Haunted Schoolhouse is one of the oldest haunts in the nations and one of the few that features mostly homemade props and sets that have stood the test of time. We congratulate this legendary haunt and everyone else who has made the list. You can read the article by clicking on the link below or by subscribing to Hauntworld Magazine at
Dead Acres in Hauntworld Magazine!
The newest issue of Hauntworld Magazine features the one and only Dead Acres in Pataskala, OH. Learn about the nation's most extreme and twisted haunt. It's the one and only Dead Acres.
Freebies at Transworld!
The 17th annual Halloween & Attractions Show in St. Louis, MO is charging $50 for admission this year, but it doesn't mean that there isn't anything extra included. Below are all the free seminars and activites you can enjoy free of cost when you register for the one and only Transworld. Please visit for more information.
Thursday March 8, 2012
Make-up Demonstrations |
11:00am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm |
Show Floor Stage |
Sit and enjoy 30-minute make-up demos from 1313 FX Fright Zone (Foam Latex Application & Airbrush Painting), European Body Art (Special FX Only Make-up) and Michael Davy (Watermelon Trauma Wound). |
Opening Night Party Sponsored by Ken Donat & Westland Insurance |
6:00pm – 8:00pm |
Morgan Street Brewery, 721 North 2nd Street |
Celebrate with your colleagues at the Morgan Street Brewery while you enjoy complimentary dinner and drinks! Open to all registered buyers. |
Friday March 9, 2012
[KEYNOTE PRESENTATION] Facebook Commerce: The tricks to getting the treats |
8:30am - 9:30am |
Christian Taylor, CEO of Payvment, Inc. |
With over a half a billion consumers, Facebook has become the most valuable place on the net for generating new customers and sales. Christian Taylor, founder and CEO at Payvment will share best practices on how to build your Social Commerce empire on Facebook. |
Make-up Demonstrations |
11:00am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm |
Show Floor Stage |
Sit and enjoy 30-minute make-up demos from Bloody Mary (Zombie’s Exposed Cheek Bones Stitches Out With Just Make-up), Grex Airbrush (Demo Using Airbrush Make-up and Grex Airbrushes) and Crown Brush (Hollywood Special FX Make-up). |
Special Demonstration by Award Winning Pumpkin Carver, Andy Bergholtz of Villafane Studios |
2:15pm – 3:15pm |
Show Floor Stage |
Villafane Studios specializes in the creation of the most astonishing 3D pumpkin carvings you will ever see. Founder Ray Villafane and partner Andy Bergholtz combine over 25 years of sculpting experience to push the boundaries of this unique medium and create characters that will haunt your imagination. Whether it’s a fine art portrait, a scenic snapshot or ghastly ghoul, Villafane Studios excels at capturing 3D images in pumpkins that will take your Halloween to a whole new level. See them demonstrate their abilities LIVE on the show floor! |
Haunted Attraction Association Auction |
5:30pm - 7:30pm (Doors Open at 5:00pm) |
Convention Center |
Looking for great deals on brand new props, animatronics and services? Join HAA for its annual auction. Doors open at 5:00pm and the auction starts at 5:30pm with items from the industry's leading vendors, suppliers and artists. There is no cost to participate and bidding is open to everyone. Cash bar will be available. Open to all registered buyers. |
Distortions Unlimited Presents “Making Monsters” and Q&A |
7:00pm - 9:00pm |
Convention Center |
This two-part one-hour series introduces viewers to the innovators and masterminds of the monster and creature animatronics industry. In “Making Monsters,” viewers meet Ed and Marsha Edmunds, co-owners of Distortions Unlimited, the Mom and Pop monster making shop located in downtown Greeley, Colo., and Jordu Schell, a monster-making veteran from Hollywood. Ed and Marsha have led the charge of the animatronics business for the last 30 years. Their unusual animatronics, monster creations, and haunted house designs are mainstays of the dark amusement industry. Jordu is Ed’s right-hand man, bringing Ed’s twisted creations to life. Based in Los Angeles, he is a renowned sculptor, best known for his work on James Cameron’s Avatar. |
Saturday March 10, 2012
[Early Bird Seminar] How to Survive in the Haunted House Industry Panel Discussion |
8:00am - 9:00am |
Moderator - Ben Armstrong - Netherworld Haunted House Panelists - Ed Terebus (Erebus Haunted House/FearFinder), Allan Hopps (StiltBeast Studios), Randy Bates (BatesMotel/Pennhurst) |
Ben Armstrong from Netherworld Haunted House moderates this panel featuring a group of talented haunters who have spent years helping others in the industry. Learn from them the critical lessons about how to run a safe, entertaining attraction while avoiding the mistakes that can end an event’s career before it can ever really get started. |
Exploring an Exciting Art Form That Will Change the Face of Pumpkin Carving As You Know It! |
8:00am - 9:00am |
Andy Bergholtz, Villafane Studios |
Topics include the art of “sculpting” pumpkins and the potential of pumpkin related displays as a commercial attraction. In addition to providing exposure to an incredible new art form, the seminar will illustrate the vast potential for pumpkin related displays to drive business and create incredible viral marketing as a seasonal attraction. |
Make-up Demonstrations |
11:00am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm |
Show Floor Stage |
Sit and enjoy 30-minute make-up demos from Iwata-Medea (Airbrush Horror Make-Up), Graftobian (Airbrush Zombies At Low Cost) and Ill Willed (Showcasing the New Ill Willed Products). |
Special Demonstration by Award Winning Pumpkin Carver, Andy Bergholtz of Villafane Studios |
2:15pm – 3:15pm |
Show Floor Stage |
Villafane Studios specializes in the creation of the most astonishing 3D pumpkin carvings you will ever see. Founder Ray Villafane and partner Andy Bergholtz combine over 25 years of sculpting experience to push the boundaries of this unique medium and create characters that will haunt your imagination. Whether it’s a fine art portrait, a scenic snapshot or ghastly ghoul, Villafane Studios excels at capturing 3D images in pumpkins that will take your Halloween to a whole new level. See them demonstrate their abilities LIVE on the show floor! |
Free Legendary Haunts Panel Discussion |
5:45pm - 6:45pm |
Moderator - Ben Armstrong - Netherworld Haunted House Panelists - Ross Karpelman (The House of Shock), Dwayne Sanburn (13th Gate/Necropolis13), Brett Bertolino (Terror Behind The Walls) |
Ben Armstrong from Netherworld Haunted House moderates this discussion of some of the most Legendary Haunted Houses in the nation. Learn how they come up with unique sets and special effects, draw massive crowds, and manage complex operations with a high level of customer satisfaction. |
Turning Technology into Sales |
5:45pm - 6:45pm |
Speaker John Gollnick, Route 66 |
Using technology to increase sales??? Want other options besides Facebook and Twitter, did you know that a technology exists over Wi-Fi??? With NEWER technology at your disposal, we will show you how to earn more money and build your customer database. |
The Zombie Army & John LaFlamboy present “The Moleman of Belmont Avenue” |
9:30pm - 11:30pm |
Convention Center |
This film explores what happens when a terrible situation is dropped into the laps of the two people least equipped to deal with it. The Brothers Mugg can either step up to the plate and finally grow up, or they wait and clean up the resulting mess as a mysterious creature eats every living thing in the building, one by one. This soon-to-be cult classic features horror icon Robert Englund, an ensemble cast of Second City comedy veterans, and set designs from the haunted house industry’s Zombie Army Productions and Pale Eye Productions. (Included Q & A). |
Sunday March 11, 2012
Make-up Demonstrations |
11:00am |
Show Floor Stage |
Sit and enjoy a 30-minute make-up demo from Four Fingers (Application of Prosthetic Appliances and Make-up for Haunters). |
All TransWorld Exhibits, Inc. Halloween, Costume & Party, and Halloween & Attractions Show seminars are intended solely to provide information to the participants. Results derived by utilizing the information may vary and are not guaranteed. Neither TransWorld Exhibits, Inc., nor the seminar presenters assumes any legal liability or responsibility regarding the content and examples presented. All seminars are subject to change.
MHC Friday Tours Info!

An Evening Haunt Bus Tour and Party
Friday June 8, 2012
Our Friday Paranormal Haunt Tour
$75 includes everything!
This is a first for the MHC; we’ve chartered a bus for an all day Paranormal Ghost Tour. The bus departs from the Hyatt at 9:30 am and returns at 6:00 pm. We’re going to tour the Ohio State Reformatory and the Bissman Building in Mansfield, Ohio. This all day tour is only $75 and includes a charter bus ride, guided tours and lunch. You’ll visit two of the most popular haunted buildings in Ohio. If you enjoy the study of paranormal activities or you’d like to search for the unexplained, then this limited opportunity is for you.
Only open to the first 50 people to sign up. Watch for more info soon.
Friday Night Bus Tour & Party
Only $25
Sit back and relax while our charter buses shuttle you through a night of fright, discount shopping and a great party. We’re hosting an awesome haunt with two attractions, A huge costume store along with a Scary-Oke show and party for your entertainment!
The shuttle buses will start departing the Hyat at 6:00 pm for an evening of fright and terror. We’ll start the tour with a stop at the Costume Vault, the newest and largest costume store in Columbus at 6670 Sawmill road. You’ll enjoy snacks and beverages along with 20% off everything in the store. Next we’ll tour the Scare-A-Torium in Dublin at 6765 Dublin Center Dr.
A collection of fears await you with performers from the Feature Creatures acting troupe teaming up with an interactive cast of entertainers. The Scare-A-Torium is a 31,000 sq ft haunt that includes over 55 scenes of fright with both attractions; the Manor and RIP’s Funhouse.
This will be their second season in this new location on the Northwest side of Columbus. Kelly & Neena Collins have been in the haunted attraction industry for 26 years and the Scare-A-Torium is one of the best haunts in Ohio. Come see for yourself how year round actor training pays off in a first class haunt.
After the haunt tour you’ll return to the Hyatt for a Scary-Oke show and party. Sign up with the DJ for your chance to perform on stage; costumes optional.
Stop back soon for additional information and to sign up for this fantastic bus tour.
For more information, please visit
MHC Bus Tour Info!
We’re excited to announce the cost for the MHC pre-convention, two day haunted house bus tour. Prices will start at only $249 per person. The tour includes; all 10 haunts, hotel, bus and most of your meals. We’ll start selling the tour in about a week. The tour will be limited to four buses.
Buses will depart from Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday morning June 6 and return Thursday evening June 7. Wednesday night we’ll be staying at the Radisson Hotel in Pontiac, Michigan.
Tours will include the following acclaimed attractions in the order listed:
- Darksyde Acres, Jonesville, Mi
- Jackson’s Underworld, Jackson, Mi
- Erebus, Pontiac, Mi
- Realm of Darkness, Pontiac, Mi
- The Crypt, Burton, Mi
- St Lucifer’s, Flint, Mi
- Exit 13 Haunted House, St Morris, Mi
- Terror Town, Maumee, Oh
- Dimensions of Darkness, Maumee, Oh
- Fear Factory, Findley, Oh
That’s two full days of awesome haunt tours. Reserve the dates now, June 6 & 7 for this fantastic bus tour and June 8, 9 & 10 for the Midwest Haunters Convention.
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